Since my political blah blah blah below have gone largely ignored, I thought I'd post an email whose arrival I have been long anticipating. It seems that at long last, someone from Denmark has taken notice of my moniker and decided something must be done about it. Below, you will find [genuine Danish name withheld]'s letter to me and my reply in answer - I post my reply simply because I'm certain its a question that many of you have asked yourselves in the deep hours of the night.
Hi there
I’m a real Dane, living in Denmark watching your vidblogs wondering why you call yourself the Dane. Do we not have some sort of copyright on that term? How would you like it if I started calling myself the American….see how that hurt!!
The Dane (with a bit too much time on my hands), Copenhagen - Europe
Dear [genuine Danish name withheld], Choose your own adventure:
a) The name, The Dane, was awarded me by a friend who thought me Danish - despite that my ancestry is mixed with about 50/50 Danish/German. I found it funny and ironic since, though living in America, I eschew the practice of defining people by their citizenship.
b) I am really The Last Surviving Dane (only I shorten it to The Dane and sometimes to TheDane on the internet). All true Danes were obliterated during the "war years" soon after the demise of Canute. My family/clan/tribe/what-have-you migrated to the shores of America in A.D. 1200 after a grueling flight across the Pacific (that's right, we took the long way). It wasn't America's cold winters that killed us off for we were born to the cold. No, sadly, we - being unaccustomed to the heat and sunshine of Southwest America succumbed to grievous tans and intermarriage with Apaches. A small few of us survived several decades until the dawning of the fourteenth century when they promptly fell dead (the best guess is that they couldn't wait any longer for air conditioning to be invented and so simply passed on out of a marked impatience). And so, I was the only one of us left. I passed the years meanderingly and finally, in the 1850s, ran into someone (a college professor, at that!) with a knowledge of the events that had transpired in Europe since my departure. To my surprise, a new lineage of people had settled in the lands I had known as a youth - these peoples, settling in Denmark, naturally decided to refer to themselves as Danish (since they were unaware that this naming convention was still in use halfway around the globe). Though they - and by extension of progeny, you - refer to themselves as Danes, they are a far cry from genuine. What the world currently knows as the Danish are really nothing more than a sad mixed-breed of Turkish, Irish, Sicilian, and far errant Pacific Islander. I'm sorry to be the one to alert you of your status as a False-Dane, but I think once you come to terms with your true identity, things may work out better for you. Oh, and yes, I know I look spry, but I'm really 1107 years old this winter (all true Danes are born in the winter... of their discontent).
c) It was either The Spaniard or The Dane. And honestly, The Spaniard just doesn't have the same flair now, does it?
d) I name myself after the nation of people I plan to conquer next. Look upon my works ye mighty and despair.
e) My real name is Dane Michael Cossarwal. As I am the only person named Dane in my family and extended family, I have chosen to adopt the definite article before my name. This gives me an air of importance and helps me to feel less self-conscious when approaching the ladies.
f) Milk!!!
g) THE DANE is the only reasonable thing i could think to spell with my phone number 843-3263. I could have gone as THE FAME or maybe as VID EBOE. But really, neither of those really have the same flavour, do they? Hmm... well, THE FAME has more and more going for it the more I think about it.
h) You're right that "The Dane" is actually copyrighted. In fact, I pay huge royalties to the powers that be in order to be fully legal and above-board with my use of the name. I find your questioning me in this manner offensive as I have gone out of my way to proceed properly in my appropriation of the name's use.
i). I'm actually a woman. A chick. A lady. A broad. A twist, dish, babe, chippy, frail, girlie, skirt, et cetera. Also known as a "dame." When I applied for my first email address nine years ago with Primenet (now a Global Crossing company), the guy on the phone misheard me when I asked if my email address could be (I was really into film noir in early 1996). So then, I got my account setup and found out that because of the gum in the kid on the phone's ear, my email was now It was a letdown to be sure, but slowly the name grew on me. And here we are.
j) The'dané is Elvish (in Tolkien) for "barrel-chested tough-guy that chicks dig and just can't leave alone." Knowing how attractive guys are that are into so beautiful a language as Qenyan, I knew if I took such a rugged name, that women would not be able to stop themselves from giving me their phone numbers. Honestly, though, I don't know what happened. Maybe I didn't advertise loudly enough that I can speak fluently both the Elvish languages of Qenya and the faery language of the Tuathan peoples.
k) One word: I am Danish.
l) In the end, being so ashamed of my country of origin. I decided to take matters into my own hands. Not being able to afford moving to a new country and much less having the time to learn anything more than a passable kitchen Spanish, I decided that if I would not be able to naturalize myself through the usual means, I would have to just buck up and take the big step, declaring myself forever a citizen of the Great and Glorious Danish Empire! Hwæt wê Gâr-dena in geâr-dagum Þêod-cyninga Þrym gefrûnon, hû ðâ æÞelingas ellen fremedon. And so, here I am fellow countryman. Let us rejoice together in our bond of kinship and everlasting love of the Motherland.
m) You open the door to find yourself face-to-face with the grue. Unfortunately, you cannot see the grue as it is dark. You are immediately disemboweled and your family will mourn you for weeks - all except your Uncle Morty, who to this day believes that you ran off to try your hand as a Hollywood actor only to fail on the way and die of a heroin overdose under a bridge traversing the Santa Ana River. Perhaps you should have considered your last decision more carefully. THE END.
All my Love,
The Dane
p.s. please do call yourself The American! How cool would that be! It's even better if your English is bad or at least has an unbearably thick accent. Then, it could be like we just traded nationalities for a while - like on one of those stupid reality shows that seem to enthrall so the uneducated masses. Pax.