UPDATE: For those of you who have expressed concerned about my head condition, it remains undiagnosed. And so far as my doctor seems concerned, undiagnosable - for he has assigned me to an experimental medication (a "pain response modifier") that seems designed not to fix problems but merely to treat symptoms. It will not stop the pain nor suppress the pain, but ideally it will cause my brain to register the stimuli that it has been reading as being pain-stimuli as, well, something other than pain. It doesn't seem like there is any likely soon-approaching conclusion to this matter and so I'm trying to deal with it as best I can. The pain is less vibrant than it was a month ago (so that's good), but it is still constant, unceasing, and frustrating. I'm finally beginning to work again and so it seems that I'm becoming better at pain-management and adjusting to this new part of my life. In any case, thank you for your concern, Seth.
**NOTE: This should not be seen as a resumption of Danish blogging. It was just easier for Seth to give an update here than through individual emails. All my love, The Dane.