A couple weeks back, Sarah over at Creative Lingerie was writing about an issue of division in the family concern. Her sister was getting married and wanted dancing at the wedding but her parents (being Christians closer to fundementalist than not) were horrified at the prospect. And so, Sarah pased the question: to dance or not to dance? Out of the discussion that followed came a remark that caught my attention not because of it's novelty or profundity but because of its ubiquity and the fact that I have yet to have dealt with in in the last three and a half years of this here blog.
It was said that Sarah's sister, 'til she does actually marry, is still under her fathers authority, and as such should seek to honor him by acquiescing to his wishes regarding abstinence of dancing.
This shouldn't be any sort of surprise. Being a Presbyterian and treading water in more or less Reformed circles (especially in those with a bent towards Muscovism), I hear this understanding of family broached often. Strange that I should never have brought up my difficulty before now. But anyway...
To summarize the position, women are to be under the covering and authority of a man. While a girl is single, she is to sit under the authority of her father. This economy persists until she says her wedding vows and authority and responsibility is officially transferred to her husband.
Now this ideology plays strongly into many courtship books and theories of mate-finding, but for once my focus will not be on what I think is a regrettable development in Christian matchmaking. No, my focus is on the issue of authority. Clearly, the believers who hold to such an understanding wish to represent the position not as arbitrary whimsy, but instead, as the proper way to understand the family based upon biblical principle.
So what I want is for someone to show me (and my eager audience) acceptable evidence that this is the case - that God truly intends the father to rule over his daughter until she marries. I've heard many people speak of this as if it were biblical and I want proof! Or at least evidence. I'm tired of Christians taking a presupposed ideology and forcing it as an interpretive framework upon Scripture.
Here are a list of evidences that neither I nor you will accept:
- "Children obey your parents" - my main concern is what to do with our grown daughters; this passage is referring to children (as in youngins or yutes).
- "Honour your father and mother" - honouring one's parents and obey them are not the same thing. One can honour without obeying. I honour my parents by cherishing their advice, thoughts, and consel. I honour them by patiently and conscientiously considering what they have to say. I honour them though I may in the end decide to follow a path other than that which they would prescribe.
- Isaac and Jacob - how these can be taken as anything but narrative is beyond me. Isaac's father did not play any active role in the marriage choice - he left it up to a servant who decided on a wife a nothing so extravagant as laying out the queen mother of all fleeces. Jacob schemed and plotted even as Laban plotted and Jacob and Rachel did everything but honour her uncle (?). These should not in any way be taken as normative to the Christian experience.
- Adam and Eve - again, far from normative. I mean, if you want to pull your daughter out of the potential suitor's side, be my guest.
These are old, has-been evidences. I want real stuff. I want something solid. The burden of proof lies squarely upon the shoulders of those who claim this unheralded authority for the father and I want proof darnnit.