Today's adventure carried my coworkers and I to Irvine Meadows (oops, Verizon Amphitheater... I wonder if they ever expect people to call it that) for the Good Friday service attached to the annual Easter in the Meadows extravaganza. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much because I attended last year. But with the exception of this guy Santos who performed again this year and the fact that no matter how sincere he is, my mind drifts whenever Poppa Chuck begins to speak, I pretty much give a thumbs up to the whole shebang. Since Brandon didn't bring his camera to chronicle the event as he did last year, mine will have to do.
Weather on the path did not look encouraging. It was raining on me when I left the haus this morning and as we travelled to the outdoor event circa 11:oo am, Brandon made not infrequent use of his windshield forcefield blades. As the service began, John Courson announced that he had a large number of people praying that we would be rain-free for the service. *sigh* I'll need to talk to John about being more specific in his prayer life for now I have a slightly sunburnt forehead (as there were nothing but very bright and very blue skies from Noon onward). Perhaps next year he can pray for a light cloud cover to quench the sun's rays and timely breezes if it gets too hot (especially during Chuck Smith's reflections).
On our way, I noted three things. The first of these is that Brandon is far to big for Wendy's car. In truth, I am as well;
but the picture of Brandon smushed under the steering column is more exhibitive than me simply regaling you with tales of how my head is bruised from hitting too often the ceiling of the small Japanese ride. The second of these is that Brandon has left his heart in 'Bama.
I wasn't sure if I should reveal this or what havoc it could cause in his married life (as the reason he presumably visited the state in the first place lives with him in California now). Ah well, I s'pose it was only a matter of time before this site turned into a hip version of a Liz Smith column. *sigh* My apologies. In any case, the third revelation was the reason it took so long for the car in front of us to finish at the drive thru at McDonald's. In case you, gentle reader, are wondering why I would in any way patronize such a foul-tasting establishment as McDonald's when there are obviously many untapped garbage bins available for perusal in the Southern Orange County region, I
will simply defend myself by saying all I got was a medium Diet Coke. The car in front of us, though, has no excuse and ought to be ashamed of itself (as well for having placed such a large order in a drive thru).
Actually there are a couple more thing I noted en route. One was that Brandon always gets lost on the was to Irvine Meadows. Before leaving today, we teased him about last year and how he missed the off-ramp on the
405 north that we needed to take and how he had to go up an extra exit and get back on the freeway to get to the amphitheater. I think the picture at right, taken today, says all that needs to be said about this.
We also noted that Pearl Jam would be playing soon and considered ditching the day's events and attending Pearl Jam's observance instead. But troopers that we were, we forged on in steely courage. The sixth thing noted (in case you were losing trackI know I was) is that while we got the day off to reflect upon the crucifixion, others were toiling in back-breaking (or posture-gifting) manual labour. Brandon honked and gave them the finger, yelling out "¡Suckers!" in his closest approximation to the proper Spanish phrasing.*
I roundly chastised him and told him that racism is not becoming of a believer. He scoffed and in further Liz-Smith-style, I have faithfully reported his misconduct here that you may all know what you're dealing with. Looks like a wife wasn't the only bad habit he picked up in the South.
Upon arrival, we found that among unexpected sponsors Coors Light and Del Taco, in a P.R. move that is sure to astound, was Planned Parenthood, the birth-planning (i.e., birth-hampering) agency.
Long having been at odds with the "Conservative Right," Planned Parenthood has taken a large step in diplomacy in its support of Easter in the Meadows. Likely recognizing that yes, Christ may have died for even their many sins, we are hoping the PP members will come to awareness of their shortfall, repent, and simply rename their organization "Parenthood."
Ah, who are we kidding. <editorialComment>They probably just recognize that a large number of attendees will likely find use of their services in the coming years as, though I hate to say it, Calvary girls are notoriously, erm, easy (though never having dated a Calvary girl myself, I have known many guys who claim this to be so). And let's be honest, condoms and Christianity have never had a close-knit union.</editorialComment>
Next we found our seats. Not quite so nosebleed as last year (being about twenty feet closer), but there was alas no cement barrier upon which to rest our tired, huddled masses of feets. Anyway, I've never been into the whole cult of personality thing, so I didn't mind in the least not having a warts-and-all view of the speakers and performers. And by speakers I don't mean the big, black, square things. And by big, black, square things, I do not mean large-though-unhip African Americans. I would never call them "things." No matter how unhip they might be.
Our company ended up experiencing more dissolution than even the Fellowship of popular ringlore. One chunk sat in the surprisingly-not-very-wet "meadows" (you'll recall that it had been raining). One chunk sat elsewhere.
Another chunk fell ill and unfortunately may have chunked elsewhere. As for our chunk, I had clowns (and sockgirls) to the left of me and a joker (or Wason) to the right. You guessed it, you're stuck right in the middle with The Dane. While the sockgirls displayed a sensible
degree of interest (despite one's particularly rude outbursts of "What?! What did you say? C'mon guys tell me!!" Brandon didn't seem to find much to be very much more exciting than his cellphone (which rings the theme to The Simpsons in a grating ascending volume the longer it remains unanswered).
There were a number of cool things to be seen. An usher who was old and funny-looking (largely because of the goofy hat).
People say Kennedy killed the hat for men. They're wrong, it was people like this who choose the wrong kinda hat to wear. This guy is crying out for either a classy fedora or a bishop's hat. *shrug* Well, we know his wife doesn't dress him....
We were also able to see Poppa Chuck and the Triumvirate (Jon Courson, Brian Brodersen, and Don McClure - who looks like Jack Nicholson) in action. Interestingly enough, they all seemed to have taken on the vocal mannerisms of Big Poppa C (well, their pauses are only three months pregnant, while Big Poppa C's are three weeks overdue and ready to be induced). Come to think of it though. Brodersen actually sounded not like Chuck, but like Brodersen. Curious. I wonder if that is some omen of things to come. Oh! And please note the incredibly large bread beast perched upon the table there. Wow, mama!
While Santos the Tragedy was singing, I drew a fist on my face. Or, uhm, a face on my fist. It was meant to reflect an alternate version of a story we were told during, I believe, Courson's reflection on the cross.
You see, there's this teacher who approaches a mother to speak about this woman's child. For creative writing, they were told the first half of the fable of the ants and the grasshopper (you know, ants work all summer while the grasshopper kicks it on a lily pad. Or something). They were told the story up to the point where winter comes and the grasshopper is foodless and were instructed to finish the story themselves. Well, most of the kids, decided that the ants, having such a great surplus would share with the hopperto each according to his need you know (freakin' commies). A few of the kids, likely taking a cue from A Bug's Life decided that the ants have enough for themselves alone and allow the grasshopper to starve (you made your bed, big guy! Now die in it). Yet this one child wrote something unheard of!! He wrote that the ant gave the hopper all his food and died in his place. At the bottom the kid drew three crosses on a hill.
Now of course, being the happy cynic I am, I had to interrupt the tale in the middle of the last line with my version: "So the ant gave the grasshopper all of his food, AND fattened him up and ate him (thereby quenching his hunger and ridding the world of a ne'er-do-well according to the laws of natural selection)!"
Anyways, so I drew the hungry, carnivorous ant on my hand while Santos sang. Santos, Santos, Santos.
I'm told he's an acquired taste. I've heard the same about heroin. And I think I remember Magic Johnson acquiring The Hiv. So yeah, I'll buy that he's acquired. But I didn't acquire his taste last year. And I sure didn't this year. Santos Santos Santos. He couldn't even do different songs. *sigh* I'm crotchety aren't I? I can't imagine how bad it'll be when I'm eighty and actually have a reason to be crotchety....
Hmm, also, at one point, both the American flag and the "Christian" flag were standing side by side. I remember because some cub scouts appear with them and there was a pledge of allegiance.
Then, twenty minutes later, I glanced back and there was no American flag to be seen. In what can only be imagined a terrorist action, the flag of these here You-Kighted States was absconded with. In the light of this tragedy, I can only say, "Well... it's probably for the best." While I'm all for the Pledge of Allegiance and the American flag, it did strike me as slightly distasteful that in the midst of the gathering of the saints (in whose company there is no longer Jew nor Greek, neither Barbarian nor Scythian, in whose company there is but one heavenly nationality) that such saints should lay honour and allegiance to a geopolitical entity AS the church. As individuals there is no problem, but for the church to declare a nationality stuck me as queer.
Anyway... there was more, but I didn't take pictures of it so I've pretty much forgotten what it was. So peace out little children.
* This and the related story is a patent untruth, but I thought you might enjoy seeing a side of Brandon that no one ever glimpses. Cheers!