Sean: glad to see you're still alive
The Dane: barely... ick
Sean: still sick?
The Dane: *coughs up lung*
The Dane: and that wasn't even my lung
Sean: that's not too healthy
Sean: you shouldn't be eating other people's lungs
The Dane: no. not in this lifetime it ain't
The Dane: i didn't... it just grew there
Sean: grew there?
Sean: howso?
The Dane: I dunno... it wasn't there last week, but now it was
The Dane: so I coughed it up
The Dane: lemme see...
The Dane: there a property stamp on it
The Dane: it says...
The Dane: "Ex Libris Brandon Wason"
Sean: yes?
The Dane: it must be his
Sean: that's a pickle
The Dane: or from one of his victims
Sean: he's short a lung
Sean: his victims?
The Dane: don't ask him about them or you could become the next
Sean: what if i ask you about them?
The Dane: I don't know much about them because I haven't asked... i DO value my life you know
Sean: yea, some people do
The Dane: yes, several people value my life. not the least of whom am I
Sean: indeed
Sean: so, what do you know about these victims?
The Dane: they're all dead victims. I know that much
The Dane: and they're all young girls
The Dane: and some guys of different ages
The Dane: some women of other ages too
Sean: you're kidding
The Dane: and a couple beetles and stray cats
The Dane: but I can hardly count them
The Dane: nope
The Dane: I'm not
Sean: what about dogs?
The Dane: it's a dangerous business being me and knowing what i know
The Dane: no... he hates dogs
Sean: does he eat his victim's lungs, or what?
The Dane: he only victimizes those whom he enjoys
Sean: ohh
Sean: apparently
The Dane: no... I don't think he eats them.... but from what I can tell, he stamps them "Ex Libris" and causes them to grow in the lungs of those who follow his trail of destruction
Sean: such as yourself?
The Dane: Yes, I'll have to be more careful now. I didn't know he had become aware of my investigations
Sean: yea, i think i told him
Sean: not sure though
Sean: it was a long nite, that nite
The Dane: you're doomed. If he knows that you know that there even exists a trail then he knows that you know too much. And your knowledge could prove fatal in the worst sort of way
Sean: nah, i think i'm fine
Sean: thanks for the warning though
Sean: it's greatly appreciated
The Dane: Yes. It's assured. Your doom is nigh.
Sean: y'know, that could be linked with prophecy i recieved last nite:
Sean: "Death will come to you on swift wings."
Sean: i thought nothing of it till now
The Dane: He's trained hummingbirds you know.
The Dane: Killer hummingbirds.
The Dane: swift wings
Sean: hmm...
Sean: they still hum, right?
The Dane: sometimes.
Sean: they prolly kill more though, huh?
The Dane: last i czeched he was working on a silencer made from milk cartons for them, but hadn't yet perfected it
The Dane: but that was weeks ago
Sean: milk cartons...
Sean: he's clever
Sean: too clever...
The Dane: that's what I'm talking about
Sean: do you really think you and me are in danger, Seth?
The Dane: Well, I may not be, but you are most certainly so - playing fast and loose with information like you do, it's a wonder he hasn't victimized you already
The Dane: unless...
Sean: unless?
The Dane: he doesn't like you. remember, he only victimize those whom he enjoys
Sean: what about Wendy?
The Dane: Either he's onto her and keeping her under a watchful eye for fear of her power or she's in on his game or she's simply an automaton built for his pleasure and really doesn't come into play in this terrible scene
The Dane: they're all horrifying prospects if you ask me
Sean: do you think that these are all horrifying prospects?
The Dane: every one of them
Sean: hmm
Sean: i agree
Sean: Wendy did try to eat me once
Sean: do you think that there's a connection?
The Dane: there must be, I'll bet she thought you had her lung
Sean: well, she did attempt to get my lung
Sean: i thought nothing of it at the time...
The Dane: hmm... now is the time to recognize truth and begin to walk more circumspectly
The Dane: and so do I hereby admonish you:
Sean: ya do?
The Dane: beware for you parts, by day and by night, for that grimmest of reapers is nigh and his icy grip knows no friendship save that cold and everlasting fellowship of the buried
Sean: thanks Seth
Sean: greatly appreciated
The Dane: de nada
Sean: i know what that means
Sean: i'm proud of myself
The Dane: good boy *pats head*
Sean: now i feel as though i should bark
The Dane: good, he might think you're a dog and leave you be
Sean: i think him hating me is enough, don't ya agree
The Dane: could be
Sean: should I try to kill him first?
Sean: wouldn't that be alot easier then living in fear all my life?
The Dane: no. he's unstoppable. and guarded by fierce-and-likely-silent hummingbird of doom
The Dane: you would be victimized for certain
Sean: i'm pretty sure if i ran up to him with a baseball and went for his knee, I'd win
Sean: that's just me though
The Dane: you'd lose and find that your bat making its new home warm and snuggly inside your colon
Sean: he'd get it to fit in there?
The Dane: the hummingbirds would do it
The Dane: he never dirties himself in such displays
Sean: so, what if I got the hummingbirds?
Sean: would he fight me then?
The Dane: how would you get the hummingbirds? there's too many of them! you'd be a fool to try it
The Dane: and after the hummingbirds, there'se always Wendy
Sean: which one, in your humble opinion, is more dangerous?: Wendy or the birds?
The Dane: personally, the birds, but I'm sure there's got to be something sinister about Wendy. Otherwise, he wouldn't have built her
Sean: what is she made out of?
The Dane: Oh. and after Wendy, he's always got the wheat to protect him and carry out his dastardly wishes
The Dane: you can never forget about the wheat
Sean: wheat?
The Dane: she's made of lungs
Sean: ohh
Sean: i coulda figure that
Sean: what's so dangerous about the wheat
The Dane: just look at it! It's got huge fangs
The Dane: and look at those powerful...hind legs
Sean: Wendy or the wheat?
The Dane: the wheat you silly fool!
Sean: oh, of course
Sean: i gotcha
Sean: so, it's looking pretty darn hopeless, huh?
The Dane: I would just let sleeping wasons lie.
The Dane: Cuz you don't want the kinda fury that would surely arise from demanding them to tell the truth
The Dane: nobody wants that kinda fury
Sean: that's why i have a stick, my friend
The Dane: stick or automatic, neither will help you escape from the Fury
Sean: automatic stick?
The Dane: it's suped up with nitrous and everything
Sean: oh, i get it
Sean: i'm a lil' slow
Sean: when you fear for your life, your brain slows down a tad
The Dane: you're probably missing a lung
The Dane: or maybe your pineal gland
The Dane: that's another fav
Sean: my head does feel lighter
Sean: and it is alot harder to breathe
Sean: is there a connection, do you think Dane?
The Dane: either that. or the Fear is coming down on you like a fat woman carrying two dozen concrete bricks
Sean: how fat, exactly?
The Dane: we're talking orca fat
The Dane: but it's really the bricks that'll get you
Sean: oh, okay
Sean: that's what i figured too
Sean: i just wasn't that sure whether it would be the bricks or the lady
The Dane: in fact, if it weren't for that cursed wheat, I'd say they were your main problem
The Dane: but then it always comes back to the wheat doesn't it?
Sean: i'm afraid so
Sean: darned the luck!
The Dane: don't blame Luck if your mad enough to cross Sleepy Wason with your tomfoolery!
The Dane: Take responsibility for yourself man
The Dane: its all about the respect
Sean: and the stupid wheat!
The Dane: well that goes without saying
The Dane: just talking about the wheat gives me the fear
Sean: scares you as much as it scares me, eh?
The Dane: at least. the Fear comes down on a man like a fat woman carrying two dozen concrete bricks
The Dane: unstoppable. simply unstoppable
Sean: yea, we went over that...
Sean: i imagine so
Sean: it's the bricks that get ya, right?
The Dane: or the fat lady or the hummingbirds of wendy or that freakin' wheat
The Dane: or his minions
The Dane: they're everywhere and while neither smart nor powerful, they do have numbers
The Dane: and that kinda math we coould all do without
Sean: there are strenth in numbers, my friend
Sean: we could do the math for fun though
The Dane: who cares about their strength... while they're busy confusing you, the wheat takes its time with you like you were a smooth native woman in the arms of an Italian lover.
The Dane: it's terror unbridled
Sean: gosh...
The Dane: UNBRIDLED!!!
Sean: i didn't know it was that bad
Sean: unbridled, eh?
The Dane: UNBRIDLED I say!
Sean: i know how that goes
Sean: gotcha
Sean: so, what all can we do?
The Dane: go about your life as normal. pretend it's all a hoax. if we're all lucky, this'll just turn out to be some sick dream and we'll all wake up in the arm of beautiful Venutians (they have lavender skin - ZOWIE!)
Sean: purple skin?
The Dane: NO! no no no no no No!
The Dane: Lavender!
The Dane: Have you no subtlety man?!
Sean: it sounds nice
The Dane: heavenly
Sean: prolly not, no
The Dane: mmmm.... heavenly
The Dane: then there's nothing I can do for you
The Dane: it's only a matter of time then
Sean: matter of time till what?
the fear? the brick lady? milk cartons? any of it?
The Dane: Am I talking to wood here?
Sean: of course not!
The Dane: Holy smokes!! They did get your pineal gland! Worse than lobotomy!!!
Sean: i'm afraid so...
The Dane: *sigh* then my advice falls on deaf ears. *shakes head and shuffles off into the sunset*