Ten years ago today Brandon was celebrating turning twelve and whining about how twelve is nothing special because it's not ten or thirteen or sixteen or eighteen or twenty-one or even twenty-five (when he'll be able to rent a car). But it was an important day nonetheless. Ten years ago today, while Brandon was celebrating being twelve, I was in my 12th grade American Government class hearing news reports about how the Rodney King verdict had sparked a riot. Florence and Normandie. Streets of infamy. Streets of rage. Streets of unpent selfishness, fear, greed, horror, apathy, disease, and anarchy. I remember watching Reginald Denny from the safety of Orange County, being torn from his truck and smashed in with bricks. Bricks wielded
by men. Bricked wielded by men embracing the nature of man. I remember watching L.A. burn. Watching Koreans with rifles attempting to protect their lives and livelihoods. Watching men run by burning buildings with shopping carts loaded with television sets.
What's changed since then? Is man a kinder, gentler beast? Have we so subdued our nature that we can finally just get along? Are we yet ready to give peace a chance? Not hardly.
Even today, in the midst of a celebration of renewal on the anniversary of the riots, a man yelled at the gatherers: "Burn the corner down again! Ain't nothing's changed!" And of course it hasn't. Man is man is man is man. He can not change his spots. Ever is he the fouled leopard prowling in the death-stink of his fallen brother - fallen by his own claws and at his own jaws. There is no deep-borne goodness in mankind. He is a wretch. He is depraved. He is a fiend beyond measure.
Need you proof? How many more of our days commemorate the nature of this fell beast? December 7th? November 22? April 4th? June 4th? uhm September 11th anyone? Are we just gonna keep going until every day on the calendar is something to remember? Yup. And why? Because people are rotten and as Anne Frank should have said: "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly evil at heart."
Is there then any hope? Can Marxism save the day - once people's needs are filled, won't they then live in peace? Nope. Can capitalism save the day - when people take pride in their work, won't they work to the preservation of society? Nope. Can the government save the day - once people feel safety from dangers foreign, domestic, economic, environmental, and psychological, won't they be content? Nope. Can mysticism save the day - won't people, when in harmony with themselves and the world around them find peace at last? Nope. Can religion save the day - once man's heart is lifted, won't the suffering cease? Nope.
There is one thing alone that will save man from himself and that is the stripping away entirely of his base nature. His heart, soul, life, breath, and all that he is needs to be stomped from existence.
Destroyed. Fired. Done away with. Executed. And buried. His heart, soul, life, breath, and all that he is needs to be reborn, resuscitated, rejuvenated, resurrected, and recreated to new existence. And needs to stand wholly apart from his old being, self, and nature. How can man exist without himself? Only in becoming one with One whose nature will bear no other. Only in the exaltation and consummation of the eschatological Lamb. Only in his glorification to the heavenlies can man find peace. Only in unity with Christ will man be free. And only finally will freedom be man's at His coming in victory. Praise Him. Repent. Believe. And long you too for the life everlasting - where tears are no more and the battles are done.
29 April 1992:
A Tribute to Folly